Party for Pisgah—and help protect it—on August 1st!

This is our last chance for to stop a 30-year plan that quadruples logging and weakens protections for the trails, rivers, trout streams, and scenic vistas of Pisgah-Nantahala National Forest. The Protect Pisgah Party + Rally for the Forest will highlight the vast, overwhelming public and political support for protecting the Pisgah-Nantahala National Forest. The…

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The World’s Tiniest Tarantula Depends on the Pisgah-Nantahala

The Spruce-Fir Moss Spider, known by its scientific name Microhexura montivaga, lives exclusively at high altitudes, above 5,400 feet, most commonly in the Pisgah-Nantahala National Forest and Cherokee National Forest. It’s about the size of a BB pellet, and as its name implies, this little arachnid likes being near spruce and fir trees. They enjoy…

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Going to bat for bats

There are four main endangered species of bats in the Pisgah-Nantahala National Forest. They all depend on the caves and protected areas of the national forest for their survival. One of them, the gray myotis, is rarely spotted. These cave dwellers have always been hard to please, but with more recent human development, they have…

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Over 100 Kids Spoke. Is the Forest Service Listening?

Over 100 kids sang, spoke, danced, drew chalk art, made signs, ate ice cream, and helped protect Pisgah at the Kids’ Rally for the Forest yesterday. Everyone from toddlers to teenagers spoke on stage before a big crowd, describing why they loved the forest and wanted to see it protected. Many others asked questions and…

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Youth Speak for the Trees

This fall, the Forest Service is completing a 30-year plan that will decide how much of the forest is cut and how much is protected. Young people will be most affected by this 30-year plan, but their voices have not been included so far. Our children will be inheriting the forest and the decisions made…

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