Special Places
Bartram Trail
78 miles of the Bartram Trail passes through Western North Carolina, joining the Appalachian Trail at two points and ending on Cheoah Bald. From the Georgia state line, it crosses the Fishhawk Mountains before descending to the Little Tennessee River Valley. Outside of Franklin, the Bartram Trail turns west and ascends the Nantahala Mountains to Wayah Bald, the highest point on the trail. The trail joins the Appalachian Trail briefly, then descends to Nantahala Lake. The trail reaches Appletree Campground in the upper Nantahala Gorge, and then climbs up and over Rattlesnake Knob before reaching the put in on the Nantahala River. From the river, the Trail climbs to the summit of Cheoah Bald. Most of the 78 miles of the Bartram Trail corridor are open to logging.
Popular activities on Bartram Trail






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